
Why is my planted peony not blooming?

This can have various causes, we have listed a number of common ones:

Planted too deep

A peony planted too deep will not flower, plant the noses just below the ground, about 0,5 tot 1,5 inches.

The right place

Peonies do not like wet feet or dry soil, and certainly do not like competition. A not too moist, well-drained soil with a PH value of 6 to 7 is perfect! If there have not been peonies on the spot before, no weeds are growing and it catches enough sun, then it should be fine.

Patience is a virtue

Be patient, it can be at least a year there before your newly planted peony will flower.

Frost damage

It can happen that the buds freeze in springtime after a heavy night frost.

Old age

If your peonies have been in the same place for a long time, this can affect flowering. The best solution for this is transplanting the peony. If you want to transplant peonies, dig up the plants in September or October. Do this as gently as possible and keep the rhizomes intact. Cut the foliage completely and clean the roots. Take a sharp knife and cut the carrot into several parts. Make sure that each root part has 4 or 5 eyes. Let the wounds dry in a shady place (especially to prevent infections). Then plant the peonies in a well-prepared planting pit. The roots need time to settle in, so it is normal for the plants not to flower for the first two years after transplanting.


Peonies are not very vulnerable to disease. The fungal disease Botrytis is the only big threat for peonies. This fungus can appear on leaves and stems throughout the season. Stems are affected at the boundary of the ground and air, causing peonies to become limp and fall. Botrytis can also appear on the underside of the flower bud near the bracts, resulting in drooping bracts or a crooked bud position. You can recognise the fungus by brown discolouration. After wet weather conditions you can recognise Botrytis by grey mold fluff.

How do you combat Botrytis? At the very first symptoms, remove the plant part with a knife and dispose of it carefully to prevent further spread. Good air circulation and distance from other plants is important. Loosen the soil all around. This will be enough to prevent further spread.