
Rolin Flowers

Rolin Flowers

Rob and Linda always wanted to start their own floral business. And they made their dream come true! Rolin Flowers is a young, ambitious nursery that specializes in peonies.

Peony growers Rob en Linda Dekker

Family business

Rolin Flowers is a true family business; their three children are also working on the nursery. And everybody loves peonies. The middle child, their fifteen-year-old daughter Cindy, takes care of the Sarah Bernhardts. Eleven-year-old son Robin was given his own Ford Dextra tractor by his grandfather and saved up for a mower so he can mow the lanes and head ends of the fields. Every day before he goes to school, he’ll ask his father the same question: “Dad, what are the plans for today?”

Exclusive varieties

Rolin Flowers focusses on exclusive peony varieties and they would love to expand their assortment in the near future. Currently, they’re cultivating the following varieties: Sarah Bernhardt, Duchesse de Nemours, Gardenia, Shirley Temple, The Fawn, Elsa Sass, Henry Bockstoce, Dinner Plate, Jubilee, Blush Queen, Miss America, Coral Sunset, Flame, Kansas, and Ivory Victory.

Rob and Linda: “It gives a real buzz to grow peonies of the very best quality each year.”

Heavy clay soil

Robin Flowers cultivate their peonies on twelve hectares of heavy clay soil. Of these, nine hectares are located in West Friesland. The remaining three hectares are located in the south of Holland, in Limburg, which helps to bring the season forward. The nursery cultivates both early and late peonies, which allows them to spread out their harvesting process.


At the busiest times of the year, there’s too much work for the five of them to handle. Fortunately, they can call on a permanent crew that will help them out every year. The nursery is operated year-round and has invested in a Quality Buncher, a bunching machine that speeds up the bunching process and allows their workers to focus all their time and energy on cutting peonies.

Blush pink Gardenia Paeonia in the sunset

Excellent quality

Rolin Flowers distinguishes itself with large, thick peonies of excellent quality. In addition, the nursery offers tailor-made solutions; peonies can be prepared at different lengths and a variable number of stems per bunch, different flower packaging can be requested and even bagging is an option.

Just like Rolin Flowers, we at My Peony Society just love peonies. And that’s what makes our collaboration so much fun!