
Peonies: they’re back!

Peonies: they're back!

Winter hasn’t started in Europe yet, but our growers in the southern hemisphere are already picking the first peonies from the fields. And that means the peony season is officially open!

Peonies already?

My Peony Society brings together the best peony growers from all over the world. Growers in the southern hemisphere are already harvesting peonies because their seasons are opposite to those in the northern hemisphere. It is now springtime for our growers in New Zealand and Chile! They harvest peonies until the beginning of January, by which time the peony season in the northern hemisphere is almost upon us again.


In New Zealand, the flowers are grown at high altitudes which means they get a lot of sun. The light intensity is also very strong there. And this has a good influence on the peony plants: they form larger flowers than average. Impressive!

Party with peonies

The first supply of peonies is always something to celebrate. The flowers arrive in small quantities which makes them very exclusive. They are often used in floral arrangements for special occasions, such as winter and spring weddings. You only need a few flowers to create a big effect in a bridal bouquet.

What a choice

Which peonies varieties can you expect? Our southern hemisphere growers grow a beautiful and varied range of peonies including: Bowl of Cream, Command Performance, Coral Sunset, Dr. Alexander Fleming, Duchesse de Nemours, Elsa Sass, Gardenia, Henry Bockstoce, Jules Elie, Kansas, Nick Shaylor, Red Charm, Red Sarah Bernhardt and Sarah Bernhardt. Check the availability on the calendar (PDF).

Meet our New Zealand growers Aunt Rosie Peonies and Triflor.